The Orion Security Services Jewelry Escort Division was formed to provide armed off duty police protection while transporting diamonds, precious jewelry or other high value items. Orion Security Services coordinates local, county or state off duty law enforcement or privately licensed retired law enforcement officers for all escorts, pickup and delivery or transport services across the continental United States.
Since Orion Security Services is owned by law enforcement this provides a unique prospective as a private security company in that we can assist with local law enforcement to investigate South American Theft Group or South American Terrorist Group (SATG)
Incidents involving attacks on jewelry industry personnel while engaged in transporting their merchandise are occurring with more frequency and greater violence. The main factions to protect against are gangs of criminals from South America commonly referred to as the South American Theft Group or South American Terrorist Group (SATG). SATG criminals sole objective is to intimidate with or use serious bodily injury or death against your company's sales representative and obtain your company's assets. SATG criminals may be targeting you or your company's sales representative right now. You must always assume that you are a target. You can, however, take some positive steps to lessen the risk and reduce your vulnerability. Protect yourself by becoming educated on these gangs and their techniques and the use of armed off duty police escorts from Orion Security Services will greatly reduce your chance of becoming a crime victim.
When using off duty police from Orion Security Services they will discuss with you all possible actions and procedures that should be followed, prior to the start of the escort. Open dialogue and discussions regarding prevention and avoidance of confrontation are encouraged. Whether you are alone or accompanied, the following points are vital to reducing the risk to you and your possessions. If you use Orion Security Services as your security coordinator we will provide training to your sales teams on what to expect when working with the officers we coordinate. The training seminar is provided at no cost.
Awareness. Assume criminals are ALWAYS watching you. Remember, there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Look for suspicious persons and cars. Drive around the lot or the block before parking your car. Look for cars following when you leave.
Use evasive driving techniques if you think you are being followed. Slow down, change lanes frequently, drive around the block. Making a quick and safe u-turn when you sense you are being followed. This allows you to see who is following you and escape the situation. Call for police assistance when needed.
Don't be predictable. Vary schedule and routes.
Never leave jewelry unattended. Keep in your possession at all times. Never take merchandise home. Instruct family on how to deal with suspicious phone calls or strangers near your home.
Inspect your car every time you return to it. Check for flat tire, evidence of tampering, etc.
Assume you are being targeted if the car has a flat tire, overheats, or is bumped by another car. Call the police for assistance.
When driving, place jewelry in trunk.
Do not fall for distractions (person dropping something next to you, asking for directions or change, spilling something on your clothing), that allows an accomplice to grab your merchandise.
Carry a mobile phone on you at all times.
DO NOT RESIST. Your jewelry is not worth your life.
Use a GPS asset tracking device. It will greatly increase the chance to recover your company's assets in the event you become a victim.